Wednesday, September 15, 2010

DIY: Tissue Paper Pom-Poms

We've all seen these cute little balls floating above party tables.

So I found a tutorial by Martha Stewart and began making some.
First, fold your tissue.

I used 8 sheets for the large one, 6 sheets for the smaller ones. For the large ones fold full size sheets. For the medium size I cut the full size sheets in half and for the smaller ones I cut the half sheets in half again. Once you have your fans folded cut wire to wrap at the center of your fan.

Once secure, cut your ends. Some cut points and others round the ends. I chose to round mine. With 8 sheets it is rather thick so I made my cuts by taking a few folds at a time. Once done I was able to trim so they were all even. The medium and smaller ones weren't so bad to cut.

With that done, you are ready to fluff. Be careful as the tissue tears easily. Start with one side and make your center. Pull it up and out carefully. The next layers fan around the center. Turn it over and do the other side the same way. I learned that by how you placed your wire determined how they hang. I like the wire coming out the center of one side. If you place it on the side, your pom-pom will look like the one on the left of our beverage table. I guess it's a matter of preference, so play around with it.

I used two mediums and 2 small to transform our chandelier over the table.

I added raffia to cover the wire and pink daisy's to accent. It still needed something else so I took some ribbon, tied it to a rubber band stretched between the chair.

Once I had them tied on I bunched them up.

I then tied the two ends of the rubber band around the top of the chandelier and let the ribbons drape down.

It really created a very beautiful table.


Ashley @ The Sweet Life Studio said...

Thanks for the detailed pictures! I've always wanted to try making these.

Anonymous said...

VERY cute!

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