Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Parties From the Past: JoJo's Big Top Circus

This was one of my favorite birthday parties. The kids all had such great time. My hubby cut and I painted the welcome sign and attached it to the top of our gate. One of my favorite things to use when setting the scenes are plastic $1 store table clothes. Here I cut them in half length wise and draped them from each corner of the Big Tent (flag pole and blue tarp).

We had popcorn bagged and ready for the guests. We couldn't find the popcorn bags in a small enough quantity so my daughter printed onto regular white bags.

No circus would be complete without Cotton Candy! We had accidentally ordered two piñatas so we made one into a cotton candy holder.

Even Uncle had fun with the Cotton Candy!

There were clowns, that did face painting and fake tattoos!

No kid's party would be complete without a Pinata.

Everyone had these adorable bags, made by my daughter, to collect all the goodies.

The table was set...

And our local Alberston's made the cupcakes that my daughter transformed into little JoJo's with the help of some candy.

A very Happy 2nd Birthday!




Aww, how cute!! That party looked perfect and looked like so much fun!!

amy & lisa said...

What a cute party!! :) Who doesn't love a circus! :)
Great idea with the tablecloths! I enjoy reading posts where things are used for the un-ordinary...makes you a more creative person.

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