Can you believe it’s already been 4 years since our first Boo Bash!
It wasn’t intended to be annual back then. We were in the process of a remodel and it just seemed like the perfect backdrop for a Halloween party. Then the next year, what use to be our annual Harvest Festival at church was discontinued so we decided to make it an annual thing and the rest is history!
Last year’s was one of our biggest turn outs. As much fun as it was to have so many cute little goblin's running around we really needed to cut it back some or else we would need to find a new location or hire help!
Cutting back didn’t stop us from adding new games or treats though, and of course we had a great time creating them as our 62 guest did enjoying them.
New this year, Spin Art.

Hubby took an old box fan apart, added a board, attached some legs, made a container out of some bamboo fencing we had laying around, lined it with a black tarp, secured it with big clamps, and walla, Spin Art! Didn’t cost a dime to make.
Another favorite was the Tattoo Shop. (Temporary airbrushed tattoos, not the wet and apply kind)

With the growing number of toddlers, we set up an area just for them. Using our soon to be garden area, with the gazebo that got hit by a storm recently while we were building the patio below, worked perfect for a ball bounce area. Since it would cost a fortune in small balls, we used beach balls. Added a slide and the little ones had a great time. They also had ride on toys to play with along with a bowling lane and a bean bag toss.

Of course we had our cake walk.

This year we actually got a picture of the great cakes our guest brought.

Usually we would have created some type of backdrop for the table, and we had all intentions of doing it, but life happened and some things just had to be what they were. I loved the little boxes we found out Target for $1 each. They looked great in the towers of lights created with a tall vases turned upside down with lights stuffed up in them.

Also new this year was an “Adult Only” table complete with a fresh fruit Sangria, which was a hit! Sorry, no picture of ours but here is the recipe we used.

Some of our new treats…

Of course some of our old favorites…

We served up our Bone Chillin` Chilli and Pulled Brain (pork) sandwiches from last years menu, along with the eyeball subs (meatballs).
New on the menu this year, Wormie Wienies we found here. Wanting something different then the regular ole Mummy Dogs. We didn’t make them exactly per the directions but they still turned out great.
Our guest were delighted with all the new additions, along with the old, and enjoyed everything we had.
All these wonderful treats can be found on pinterest and other party blogs.
Have a safe and Happy Halloween.
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